Topic-Free Mega Thread - v 1.11.2020

More Navi20 details.

Plus info on how this was obtained and such in the Reddit topic itself. :slight_smile:

@Kaldaien do you have the CAC-1085 adapter, and a LG 9 series, if you do can you check if the TV in HDMI mode, on ISF dark/bright preset with the adapter set to RGB Limited 60hz at 10/12bit has excessive juddering/stuttering issues compared to 8 bit when moving a explorer window on the desktop.

In my case with a 1080ti the TV has motion problems with the adapter with these settings when 10/12 bit is used.

I just found out about leaving Steam for this forum. I’m sorry for all of the crap that happened there, but I’m glad that the project could continue. I signed on for Patreon at least for a bit; after all, Special K is the reason I even have Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 on the PC.

For as much as I love Watch Dogs 2, I can’t help but wish that they had ironed out the kinks with the AI a bit better.

  • Random NPCs are allowed to move into restricted areas without being stopped or treated as suspicious — Marcus (the player character) is not even allowed to stand near the threshold of the restricted area without getting treated as a suspicious person.

  • Gang members are allowed to, in plain view, walk or run around with weapons without regular NPCs or police treating them any different — Marcus is not allowed to have a visible weapon on him without everyone around him being suspicious and possibly even calling 911.

  • Building on the above two, rival gang members (especially when calling for a gang hit) are allowed to not only run straight into a rival gang’s territory, but do so with weapons on full display, without any repercussions taken until they actually fire on the target — Suffice to say Marcus is not.

There’s also a bunch of various weird behaviors related to accumulating or generating “heat” from either the gangs or the police, where a simple unnoticeable action with arguably no repercussions will still generate enough ‘heat’ to award Marcus a one-star wanted rank with one of the gangs, or the police. This is generally more random and obscure when it happens, but it happens occasionally.

Sure, it’s probably due to gameplay aspects and whatnot, but when it happens it’s quite annoying.

Then on the flip side you can have other weird things like the police (and gang members) having the memory of a gold fish, where e.g. after an extensive shootout involving police and three other gangs that stretched over 20 minutes or so (I didn’t even instigate it; I merely sat by and watched the drama), the police might randomly at the end of it decide to place one guy under arrest, and the remaining gang members won’t even bat an eye… Meanwhile there’s 40+ corpses laying around (or would’ve, if the game didn’t remove them after a while) along with 20+ vehicles as evidence of the war that just ended a few seconds ago.

I still love the game, and have put 40 hours into it so far, but these random kinks of the AI can be quite annoying at times.

Yeah various shortcuts and AI benefits, liked what the original Mafia game did trying to make it realistic but it only worked partially such as covering and waiting until enemies had run out of ammo making many combat encounters trivial and during driving the AI perfectly takes corners and can collide with traffic without problems.

Remake has the whole AI awareness issue Mafia 3 did so takedowns make short work of everything though many combat encounters try to limit it a bit having more open and larger areas with less narrow linear paths or obligatory obvious shooting gallery segment with cover sized objects scattered in a wide open area. :smiley:

Watch_Dogs 2 can have NPC’s instigate a lot but much of the focus is only on Marcus / the player character when something does happen.

Which gets a bit silly when these biker gang guys you mess with are ignored entirely by the police or the early thug type enemies in that gang.

Later on it makes a bit more sense (Well not really but as close to it as it gets.) but you can get into some weird and strange situations when NPC’s get into little confrontations or things get really chaotic.

EDIT: The AI system also applying to animals is a neat touch albeit not to the same extent as the human NPC’s and various factions or how to call it and interactions from anything from poor to rich random civilians to gang members or thugs and colorful characters.

Drone or RC can set up a few things too from memory but are also used more for open world exploration purposes.

EDIT: Simplified the more of these factions get together the more chaotic the random AI gets with how the situation simply derails.

EDIT: Xenus / Boiling Point attempted this too as did the Precursors game but with a lot more jank.
Ambitious though but without the unofficial patch for it the games are very messy and Precursors is something like a beta half finished project at best before the studio went under.

Welcome! It’s funny that you mentioned the Legacy Collection 2, as it’s possible that the fix for the offline bug of that game was partially why Special K was delisted by Valve. I don’t know if Kaldaien ever got confirmation of that, but it might’ve played a factor in Valve’s supposed “issues” with Special K’s Steam API functionality.

It’s a shame that the project was removed from Steam but oh well, at least now the project doesn’t live or die based on the actions of random moderators with no real insight into what consequences their actions have.

@Kaldaien hey just tried strange brigade its dx12 HDR
jxr pic. the game looks amazing

Just curious but does SK have checks for backbuffer values, like if I put the backbuffer to 4, restart the game, it reverts back to either 2, or 3 depending on what the previous value was, or should I just leave this at -1?

NVIDIA 456.55

Far as I’ve noticed if the value is unsupported the game just crashes until the lowest accepted value is used although compatibility seems to be improved in most recent games long as it’s utilizing D3D11 unsure how well it works for D3D12 but issues like in Horizon Zero Dawn might be more to the game itself and not working above the default. (Which was a value of two I think?)

EDIT: I do not remember the value ever reverting back, going to have to check for that happening.

Weird for me the backbuffer value resets back to last value if i put it above 3.

Change the config file manually when the game isn’t running. It might be that SK fails to save the change to the config file for one reason or another.

You can always check the current number of backbuffers by hovering the mouse over the framebuffer resolution row at the top of the Special K control panel.

Is there any way of setting thread priorities permanently without them resetting on restart of the game?
If yes, that would be amazing.

I don’t think so, sadly. I believe the discussion have been brought up before but it’s possible that SK currently lacks a good way of uniquely identifying threads across sessions.

So this seems like a cool tool:

Hmm the Steam beta client updated.

Wonder if that’s some general D3D improvement or specific to how this game or game engine can more easily swap between API’s although that also includes Vulkan but maybe the overlay handles this better or how it initializes compared to swapping D3D versions?


Hmm a few for October 23rd then listings for November 30th and December 28th with a few for January 4th for estimates with deliveries of the 3000 series from NVIDIA going by ProShop, Inet, Webhallen and Komplett.

Heard the NVIDIA website had refreshed (and sold out.) a few times so figured a check for the start of the week would be interesting but yeah some stores just cite extreme demand and don’t do availability listing or even pre-orders due to uncertain delivery and how much the next shipment will actually be.

Hmm at least on POE with GSYNC, using low latency mode with SK is a bad idea, it introduces frametime variations ranging from 22-55ms each time skills are used (zigzag pattern), i was wondering what was causing me to stutter even with GSYNC

AMD 20.9.2

EDIT: Well it took a while but that’s interesting AMD almost seemingly resolved those outstanding issues in time for RDNA2 / Navi20’s release after all. Wasn’t expecting it.

There’s a few remaining issues to go but a fair bit of it’s been resolved or so says the release notes at least.

E-Sync as the bigger outstanding one still hanging on since a while now.
Possibly some unlisted stuff as well.

If we’re talking about Path of Exile, and not Pillars of Eternity, then it feels like it can be thrown into the “random-assortment-of-issues-POE-has” category… I don’t know what it’s with Path of Exile, but it seems to find issues with all sorts of things in Special K…

Vulkan is so much better than DX11 in Path of Exile anyways.