Topic-Free Mega Thread - v 1.11.2020

yep then valve changed the Ts and Cs regarding vpn purchasers. Thx sony… doing the best for PC community.

Mods pictured:

@Kaldaien tested first combat with some walkers and got no framedrops with your settings very good.

BTW, I started an entire thread for HZD at the suggestion of a few users.

I do not expect to do a game-specific plug-in, but will be happy to discuss general configuration.

Still coming to terms with formatting on this site. I definitely did not expect linking to that thread to try and render the first post :slight_smile:

How do you change it? That must be why I am having issues. My Monitor is 10 bit for HDR but my 2ndary one is 8bit. So must be why its confusing between my monitors and doing stupid stuff with HDR.

You cannot change it. It’s something I was fooling around with in a test version of SK.

There is no configuration option that lets you change this, and later testing showed that part of the game breaks if you force 10-bit color.

Well freaking game seems to look like HDR content on SDR Monitor in terms of HDR and when I alt tab it suddenly switches vibrancy up quite a bit. So I have no idea on how to fix that. I think I had it fixed when I basically forced 2ndary monitor off and tried only using borderless. I think its a AMD issue.

You are correct. The Steam discussion boards have quite a few random threads or posts on the subject – it’s seemingly exclusively experienced by AMD users.

In order for HDR to fix is to alt tab in Borderless mode. ANd have my 2nd monitor off in Display settings. Set to Monitor 1 only to display. This seems to be the only way to make HDR work as intended.

It looks like ppl going back to wqhl drivers for AMD which is a few versions behind have their HDR working a bet easier. Just have to alt tab. In my case its not even doing that properly.

Ha HDR works right off the bat now. IN booting up game go figure.

Rolling back to 20.4.2 drivers fixed my HDR issue. Just get a error about driver mismatch but game seems to work now.

You can usually ignore any warning like that on AMD hardware. AMD’s drivers aren’t the fragile snowflake that NVIDIA’s are :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried to ignore the driver version warning I got on my RTX 2080 Ti for giggles, and this being NVIDIA … the game crashed.

AMD never needs a new driver to make a game not crash.

Something I noticed when using Dual Monitors with AMD in this game. If you disable 2nd monitor which is SDR it makes the game vibrancy explode to extreme levels. Like really insane. But when I enabled both monitors and did extend monitor it kinda did middle vibrancy but not totally dull as if viewing HDR on SDR monitor. lol. Go figure.

If I just set to show only on 1 in display settings it works right off the bat in vibrancy in HDR mode.

Looks like we have a pirate among our users :upside_down_face:


The site’s just randomly adding CPU and GPU requirements to software on Steam now…

How did you even find that, lol.

Oh, you know… vainly searching Google for my own software :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually was trying to see what effect changing Special K’s DRM to r/CrackWatch had on sites that datamine Steam. I so want to confuse a website into adding r/CrackWatch as an actual DRM scheme :slight_smile:

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	"AppVersionString": "1.0.8",
	"LaunchCommand": "",
	"LaunchExecutable": "Untitled.exe",
	"ManifestLocation": "C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\UntitledGooseGame/.egstore",
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	"AppName": "Flour",
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	"FullAppName": "Flour: Live",
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Why do Unreal Engine games always have ridiculous code names attached to them? Willow, Oak, Flour, …

In any case, I think I can parse Epic Game Store manifests and build rudimentary support for EGS. SK’s UI for EGS won’t have the pretty box art or icons that Steam does, but it’s better than nothing.

I am sure that art is somewhere in this jumble of assets:


But I don’t know how to connect the dots :frowning:

Btw i’m going to be re-uploading the trailer in a few hours and directing viewers here if that’s okay?

Fine by me. The server’s mostly idle and could use some company.

I’m curious to see how a re-upload fares, haven’t done that before.