Games with broken HDR

B:AK crashes on startup for me, even with HDR disabled.

I’m surprised its working. I usually get UE4 crashes when trying to handle Fallen Order (Always crashes in the pause menu).

I’m beginning to suspect your B:AK crashes and issues with Fallen Order are related. SK is perfectly compatible with both of those games, in fact it was designed for Batman: Arkham Knight and then I turned it into a general tool.

You should probably try and isolate third-party overlays, video capture software, and so forth, they are almost certainly doing something unusual on your system.

B:AK crashes with me as well, but I did get it to work once. However, it looked really weird, like the textures weren’t loading in properly.

I’m not sure what it could be. I’m running a relatively fresh OS installation with all third party overlays disabled (Steam/Origin/Nvidia/Windows).

Testing some more, the best settings I could find are 8 bit turned on, 10 bit turned off, and 11 bit turned on. Even then, it still crashes 2/3 time. And when it doesn’t crash, there are still issues. I managed to fix the texture loading problem by disabling texture caching, but there were still issues with the water/rain, as well as some signs/decals not rendering properly.

The issues with signs:

The issues with water:

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@Kaldaien Any chances that some of the games will get revisited to maybe solve the HDR problem? The only game that I’d love to play with HDR is FO4.

Mmm, Fallout 4 in HDR would be great.

With the newest SK version (, HDR finally works in Fallout 4 !

Edit: I had to turn off all the remasters options for HDR to work.

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I am pretty sure that it always worked, users were just not aware that Fallout 4 had a special plug-in configuration section in the INI file needed to turn Flip Model on.

For historical purposes and not much else —

^^^ Fallout 4 happens to be the very first game that I ever modified to use DXGI Flip Model. It also was where Special K’s texture caching feature got its start.


I managed to play Fallout IV with hdr (10 and 11 bit remastered options), gsync activated, flip model and texture caching, with the actual version of SK
Several crashes to desktop but only in ultra, in high and medium graphics settings, the game goes well
Maybe It’s some option of the game in ultra that is not optimized, and SK is not involved with the crashes

You need to turn off the PhysX ‘Debris’ feature. It causes most crashes.

That was it. Thought the problem was the VRAM starvation, because this game consumes all VRAM available, but putting off the weapon debris option, the crashes disappeared

Fallout 4 confirmed to be fixed without any tweaks as of the latest buiild.

Just tested Fallout 4, it crashes when trying to create a new game with Special K enabled. That is with weapon debris disabled.

Have you tried starting a new game without Special K? Could be a mod-related problem. Works fine for me, using global injection and default settings.

Yep i’ve tried that, and it starts fine without Special K enabled.

Delete the SpecialK.ini to generate a fresh default one and try with these settings.
image image image

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Hey, that worked, thanks! I believe the issue was most likely the INI settings, I probably had custom settings before the flip model change was made.

Glad you got it working! :slight_smile: