Topic-Free Mega Thread - v 1.11.2020

Thanks by the way, I can confirm that this solved my issue :+1:


Valve, just what did they unleash with Source Film Maker?

Ha ha.
Well there’s more memory hungry software I suppose.

EDIT: More accurately though these are fast GPU’s with a ton of memory and priced better than professional consumer cards like the Titan V is.

There’s Radeon VII on AMD but if CUDA’s a thing and it’s pretty established by this point AMD’s out entirely as a choice.

did you see my post kaldaien? Check out no man Sky it`s vulkan and HDR. And meanwhile you could check it out framepacing is also all over the place

@Kaldaien just curious but do you have a theory on why flip mode for POE works without brightness changing in borderless mode with windows build 1709 using automatic flip mode promotion?

In roughly ten minutes I will have Mafia Definitive Edition installed. Will give some details later. When I get around to playing it.

HDR in this game doesn’t play nicely after the first scene. Seems to blow up all over. Once you start getting to free roaming.

(From: )

Interesting, wonder what this will result in.

Though one of the Reddit posts explains it quite well.

Or this take.


There is a graphical glitch when I use this newest test version with Hades.


These glitches only appear when moving to new chambers. (video)
d3d11.ini and log files: (23.7 KB)

Version from 2020-09-17 does not have these glitches though.

I think because I automatically handle sRGB conversion now. The game wants an sRGB framebuffer, so I have to intercept and change the format of any RenderTargetView and ShaderResourceView that the game creates for rendering into / reading-back the swapchain backbuffer.

Earlier versions of Special K couldn’t do that, so if you’re comparing the behavior of those versus any other solution for forcing Flip Model, earlier SK is probably the wrong behavior.

Hmm i tried a way older release ca 2015, and it has the same behavior with the game getting all dark in flip mode, i was talking about microsoft’s solution to flip mode as it was in windows 1709 not older SK versions, maybe MS is doing non-standard stuff to get it to work?

Did you test a version of Special K newer than about or so? This change is relatively recent, having to do with HDR stuff I was working on. sRGB should just work correctly (even in SDR) now when forcing Flip Model on in most games. was linked to a few posts back:

Yeah i’m pretty sure i have that version of the dll file installed.

I don’t know what the problem is then, I cannot reproduce it. I know it used to work that way, but got fixed at some point for me.

Holy crap, 12 FPS capped w/ RTSS:


So, the latency is > 4x higher with RTSS, and RTSS apparently doesn’t do very good with small numbers either because 14 FPS and 12 FPS are equivalent in its mind :slight_smile:

Really good test here. You can feel the difference between 150 ms and 650 ms I don’t care how old and close to death’s door you are. There’s 12 FPS without a limiter (unplayable), 12 FPS with RTSS (unplayable) and 12 FPS with SK (unpleasant, but a completely different experience).

According to presentmon the game in borderless mode is in hardware composed: Independent Flip in windows build 1709 while specialK still reports the game as bitblt, and DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB.

Isn’t Independent Flip, and flip mode the same thing though?

Independent Flip is only possible with a fullscreen borderless window

Hmmm presentmon is still reporting Independent Flip in fullscreen though, is it possible to force Independent Flip without changing DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB to DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, maybe a override somewhere in SK?
i want to check if this maybe fixes it as that combination seems be the one windows 1709 build uses.

It’s possible to do that at the driver level, but the DirectX runtime won’t allow it and will fail to create the swapchain if you leave the format _SRGB with a flip model presentation effect.

Oh, so the reason it works on that windows build is due to it being at a lower level than DX, too bad… i really wish i could get it working.

OS bug I think.

EDIT: Oops.

Hmm seems according to that reddit post that they disabled it for compatibility reasons, and want to in the future allow us to whitelist games for that feature, so in MS time probably 2021-2023 if enough people want this feature,