Topic-Free Mega Thread - v 1.11.2020

I need help reacting to something

I don’t. It’s boiling here :hot_face:

Cool. We’ll see the relevance of the technology in the next 5-10 years, and where it will be utilized.

According to Hollywood, it should be used pretty often. People are craving transparent screens in the future.

please no… :open_mouth: I just want clarity for TVs and monitors… and working PC hdr

Transparency is good for a window… not a media viewing :S

I just can’t support devs who always do exclusive deals, and they are doing that on Steam now to milk all those who have no self control. Pun not intended.

Plus with Regional pricing that’s still gonna be 60 aud. Likely more if its 505 Games.

That’s just my opinion… I refuse to reward companies who restrict consumers willingly cause money. and I’m well aware my aversion to this game isn’t going to go well with people here either.

I guess you won’t be partaking and enjoying in the free Total War: Troy tomorrow then? Free for 24 hours.

I love Epic Games Store, they’ve given me 130 games (I believe I counted that right). The 4 games I’ve paid out of pocket, Satisfactory, Hades, Division 2, and Subnautica Below Zero, were absolute steals thanks to them paying $10 off of the already reduced prices thanks to sales.

Is the client as good as Steam? No, I would say it is not even close, but Valve has had 17 years to get it right. And frankly without EGS giving them actual competition, they would have continued to rest on their laurels, it is not a coincidence that 2019 was the first year Valve actually started making large changes to their store and communicating monthly and running experiments.

This type of competition is good for consumers in the long run, and it has already been very good for developers. The outrage that some in the gaming community have had towards EGS is completely overblown! Seriously, we have had multiple clients for our games for a decade now. Where was the outrage over Origin, Uplay,, GOG?

But people absolutely lost their shit over EGS flexing their bank account and trying to actually compete and be relevant. The expectation that the newcomer is supposed to fight with hands tied behind their backs and not try to get exclusive software, when facing the 700-lb gorilla that is Steam? No one would win in that scenario. Absolutely no one.

And please do not take anything I have said as suggesting that you are one of those people! This is really more about the stigma that EGS holds over a very vocal cross section of the internet. They swear that the EGS client would give their computer a virus, and kick their dog, and sleep with their mom.

I believe there is room in the discussion to bring up points about how certain features are missing, such as achievements and discussion boards, but I also think that unless Epic made themselves a relevant store early on, which is ONLY possible doing what they have done, they would never have the time to continue to improve it, and eventually they will hopefully reach feature parity with Steam.

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Yeah I’m not getting into a back and forth about things that don’t need a back and forth. Just because I had exclusivity doesn’t mean it needs discussion, its the PC platform not the console wars exclusive platform.

I don’t reward companies for gatekeeping and that’s that, same goes for any developer purposely holding their game on Steam for the same reasons companies put their games on Epic. Epic isn’t competition, Reading Tim’s own words and you will understand he doesn’t want to compete.

I loaded Bioshock 2. The framework loads fine, but in game the screen is pitch black. When I click pause, I can see the menu. it is only in game that the screen goes black. When I load the game without the framework then all is well. Any thoughts?

Edit: Fixed. Had to change to 8-bit rendering. Did move this request for help to support. Apologies for posting it here.

Hmm no ability to buy it yet. That’s weird.

It’s something i can only see being useful for exhibitions.

Blowing up hotdogs with hand grenades is more fun than it sounds.

Fullscreen exclusive flip model is the stupidest thing I’ve come across in a while…

The only remaining benefit you get from fullscreen exclusive since DWM flip was introduced in Windows 8 is having D3D change your monitor’s refresh rate as you alt-tab in/out of applications. But they make you stand on your head and recite the alphabet backwards to transition between windowed mode and fullscreen exclusive when flip model is enabled.

I’m going back to my old policy of forcefully disabling fullscreen exclusive for improved software compat. and my own sanity. The next time you get the urge to complain about “fullscreen optimization,” don’t :stuck_out_tongue: Pitty the developer at Microsoft who has to make games think they’re in fullscreen mode while using DWM flip.

lol, what “L” shape?

I see two Ls and a flat line. Whenever I try to collect this data, mine never makes that “L” shape, just a slightly crooked “I”.

NVIDIA is getting some good results there with their newest framerate cap implementation, RTSS has a ton of settings or config only more advanced settings so I assume it’s possible to go deeper into it’s setup and improve it that way.

Impressive to see what SpecialK can do too, is this with everything or just the FPS limiter?
Although I suppose Arkham Knight kinda needs the full thing to behave and get framerate and frame times to as good as can be expected.

EDIT: Guessing that’s what those big dips are when the engine is doing it’s hitching thing from when the player ran into the edge of the current loaded zone block so it starts streaming and loading data rapidly if I understood the changes the later patches did to the game engine and previous cache system instead of just raising the limit a bit or adding settings to allow up to 4 GB instead of the default 1 GB or what it was texture cache size.
(EDIT: Might have been lower actually.)

I suspect the reason the results are so favorable in Arkham Knight is, well, Special K started life as “Batman Fix” :slight_smile: It was a DXGI memory manager initially, that’s where the texture cache features came from.

A lot of people don’t realize that the config tool I wrote for BAK was really only 1/3 of the work I did for that game. By the time Special K wrapped up features for BAK, most people had finished with the game. But I kept hacking away at the thing.

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Guy please can you shed some light on something for me. I have a Samsung KS8500 TV (65"). It’s a 1000-nit panel, but SpecialK reports it as 1500-nits. Why - and which is the correct nits?

Neither, nobody agrees on how to measure this stuff. It’s only capable of its rated brightness in probably 10% of the screen at a time.

I was just wondering why SpecialK reports 1500 on my TV but 600 on my monitor, which is what it’s marketed as.

But ah ok… so there’s no standard industry measurement to measure nits? I didn’t know that.

$4 for the next 2 days NBA 2K20