Topic-Free Mega Thread - v 1.11.2020

Damn. SO WDL is bad HDR anyways. I was hoping to fix it. But with SK it comes with great fps drop. Without SK its not bad at all. But HDR in my game looks grey as ■■■■ and dull beyond reason. WDL.

Interesting. I edited some stuff for HDR Passthrough for WDL and that seemed to do the best out of all other options with HDR mode turned on ingame. Was able to tweak the gamma and lowered Brightness to 155 and now game looks fantastic. And FPS isn’t doing crap anymore.

Uhh okay new problem in WDL. Weirdest thing I seen. The noise level is thru the roof in the game.

This is Gamebar Screenshot but not the jxr screenshot.

ingame HDR enable/disabled still looks like this

Don’t use the double rainbow. That one looks like that in WDL too as well.

Even with game HDR Off, using ACEs the sky is gone white. no matter the settings slider. I thought it was game brightness but its not the case

ACES cannot work without HDR on.

Anyway, the version I uploaded earlier had the black gain applied in reverse, so I’m not surprised there were objections and contradictory statements about how things were working :stuck_out_tongue:

Black Gain Implemented The Right Direction

SpecialK32.7z (6.3 MB) SpecialK64.7z (7.6 MB)

good you had people who complained… lol . lets check it out now
unrelated, but the file downloads are extremely slow on my end, with files posted.

You HDR on ingame right? B/c I noticed WDL has the ability to have HDR on ingame without HDR mode on in windows 10 on.

Yes, it has the ability to do that, it also @#$%ing requires the game run in fullscreen exclusive for HDR to work because Ubisoft has no idea what they’re doing :stuck_out_tongue:

Or, I should say, it did… require that. I fixed that for them.

Yeah that very thing made me think HDR didn’t work in WDL b/c I didn’t realize I had to be in freaking Fullscreen mode. ON side note did you take a look at the noise HDR in SK on creates in WDL?

Wait how do you toggle on HDR without fullscreen mode with SK? Do I need to turn on HDR ingame for WDL for Aces to work?

Okay nevermind figured it out. Aces SDR → HDR is best one for Watch Dogs. I had to delete all profiles in HDR part to get it to work properly. Now to see if any noise shows up ingame. It usually showed in sky.

Didnt change. edid visualization looks like this :open_mouth:

I can lower gamma but sky still looks completely white

Does the game have HDR in that game? Built in?

yes but its disable in this screen tried with hdr enabled but same results

Needs to be on for Aces bud. For Aces to work properly. Which Aces you using? native or SDR to HDR?

B/c Native HDR Aces is the one that gives me extreme stuff. SDR To HDR is the one that properly scales when tweak gamma and such.

sdr to hdr, I mean the “ground” colors looks fine. But sky is crushed in whiteness

Question before you did the settings did you delete the HDR stuff in SK ini file first? That has to deleted entirely so the proper values are put into the config file.

Edit on side note for me in WDL game I am getting some insane sharpening effect. Have no clue what’s going on but it causes all sorts of noise. Like film grain noise thru the roof.

Looks much worse ingame. lol. I mean like jaggies all over. aliasing all over.

Which values do I delete?


That entire section :wink: Then redo the HDR toggle and everything.

You need to use the HDR10 tonemap or that will happen.

I had to turn off HDR in WDL in its game settings b/c it was causing too much sharpening and crap all over with SK’s HDR. But now the game looks great. :slight_smile: