Games with broken HDR

The One X enhanced version does. Not sure about the PC version. The implimentation is a bit hit and miss but it’s nice to have it there. Especially on the nightime and raining tracks.

Not on PC, according to PCGW.

So, this is embarrassing…

I have been forgetting to account for negative colors in scRGB colorspace for a while now, HDR hasn’t exactly been high range.

I decided to fix that, and for kicks and giggles, implemented gamma in LogC space (basically, gamma just went supernova).

SpecialK64.7z (7.6 MB)

Good luck calibrating this version, it looks incredible, but I need to dial in sane default values :slight_smile:

Now I’m fairly certain that SK is on eual footing with XSX.

It’s like opening the Ark of the Covenant.


Oops, ACEScg (AP1) is already in log-space, so that was log2 gamma :slight_smile: Hybrid-Log-Log maybe?

Clearly I’m delivering a BluRay or Digital Cinema product of some sort, there couldn’t possibly be any other use for the ACES HDR workflow :wink:

Must anything specific be done to get HDR on Sunset Overdrive? On the HDR widget I get the text “HDR may not work until application restart” all the time.

Fallout 4 HDR seems to work with mods but not ENB. I’ve crashed a few times so will have to test if there is some compat error. The logos and FMVs were a black screen but actual game displayed in HDR. mod organizer recommends uninstalling special k :confused:.

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Special K HDR now injects into Hitman 2016 but there are some graphical bugs.

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Added. Thank you for testing.

SpecialK doesn’t tend to like most apps that use d3d11/dxgi.dll files. ENB and Resorep never worked correctly for me in any game while Special K was active. You can try manual injection and make ENB load SpecialK as a secondary dll though. Not sure if I’ve tried that before.

Hitman 10_24_2020 4_17_51 PM

hdr on

Its only this area in like the entire Paris level that has this issue.


The floor sparkles/glitters when certain lights hit it. At least from what I can tell. Only affects certain areas too but other than that, HDR works really well in this game and is a monumental improvement over the base game’s HDR.

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Can you go into a bit more detail than HDR on/off? :slight_smile:

I probably have done an inadequate job explaining the Render Pass Remastering options, they’re practically the center of the universe for Special K’s effective HDR quality. They are so important to getting an HDR image from an SDR game that I’ve enabled them by default in many cases, despite that always having the possibility of breaking things.

If you run into these kinds of problems, your very first bit of troubleshooting should be trying to turn them off. When remastering does what it is intended to do, it creates the effect seen in your final screenshot. Of course, that’s much too strong of an effect and I currently have no way to tone that down :-\

I’ll try turning them off to see what happens. With HDR on, I basically meant ALL Special K’s default HDR settings (like 10 bit/11bit enabled). I also messed with other settings to see if it was something else but nothing had changed. It only affects that specific area in the Paris level. The rest of the map is perfectly fine from what I can tell.

I had a similar issue after just testing Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy again (requires 8bit remastering to display an image in HDR), even though it now renders properly in HDR. Curiously, it seems the purple stuff is only affecting the Fur Shader on Crash (and background is bugged).

Followup Results

Hitman 2016:

12bit is what is causing the purple graphical issue.

10bit is what is causing the sparkling floor issue.

8bit causes character models to become grainy.

No remastering bits stops all issues from occuring in HDR.

Enabling any of the remaster options causes their respective problem to always occur (i.e. enabling 10bit remaster will always cause sparkling).

M’kay, I removed Hitman from the list. Let me know if the situation changes.

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12-bit? WTF? There’s no such thing :slight_smile:

There’s 8-bit RGBA (the 8-bit option; I know, surprising),
There’s 10-bit RGB + 2-bit A (the 10-bit option)
There’s 11-bit R, 11-bit G, 10-bit B (the 11-bit option)

None of those are 12-bit :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to keep editing the Wiki to correct this too, it seems someone is utterly convinced that SK remasters 12-bit formats, even though those don’t exist.

Basically these remastering options turn each of those possible formats into RGBA16.

Of particular interest, and the one I think you’re confusing with “12-bit” is the 11:11:10 format. I have a strong dislike for that format, because it’s got lop-sided distribution of precision. Anything that uses it has a very good chance of not producing the right color temperature for shades of white.

When that format was introduced (about a decade ago) it was pretty awesome for its performance characteristics, but over time it’s come to be a thorn in my side for the image quality problems it introduces. So I’m always looking for any opportunity to remove the format from a game :slight_smile:

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So what do you recommend to use in-game? Turn off 11 bit and just use 10 bit?

None of these things ‘turn off,’ they all convert the formats to 16-bit. I have the 11-bit override enabled by default because I hate 11-bit color formats.

It was quite late when I tested it. Yeah I meant 11 bit. Probably just me getting it confused with the color depths in Windows. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Not to revive old thread but Microsoft back compat team actually did inject higher resolution FMV into emulation for at least one game: FF XIII.

Wish I’d found mention of arkham knight in this thread before I tried it myself, here’s hoping the HDR is fixable.

Revive the thread all you want. I’m always happy to discuss HDR :slight_smile:

That’s actually neat to hear. I bought the PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIII because, it was a Square Enix game and the PS3 had Blu-Ray. I think that’s pretty self-explanatory :stuck_out_tongue:

Square’s been doing a lot more real-time (rendering and combat) lately though, so that’s cool. They were still really CG / FMV heavy in those days.

As for Arkham Knight, it mostly works. There are some weird texture artifacts, but that’s the thing Arkham Knight is best known for – thoroughly busted texture management.

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