D3D12 Missing Features

Is the HDR to SDR screenshot mapping working correctly? The resulting screenshots from Cyberpunk look really wrong.

Looks crushed and oversaturated. I use scrgb

I got near flawless results by taking screenshots with GFE overlay, then making 2-3 adjustments in Photoshop which I turned into a macro. The results look almost the same as what I saw with HDR, just without all the brightness.

No, it is not working correctly at the moment. The tonemap is broken for HDR10 games. If you use scRGB, it may work… It’s still a Work in Progress for D3D12.

That said, WTF? You claim GFE took a correct screenshot?

That’s what happens when I attempt a screenshot using GFE.

You should just use SK’s HDR screenshot (.jxr), then tonemap that using your preferred tool (WCG + HDR Image viewer is popular). When SK’s tonemapping works correctly, it produces roughly the same results, though with emphasis on preserving luminance detail rather than color.

No I’m not saying GFE has correct results, but I can take those messed up pics, adjust couple values in PS and I get a good output. This was made from a GFE pic

SK Tonemapped HDR->LDR

WCG + HDR Tonemapped HDR->LDR

Anything else

The SK tonemapped screenshot is a little dimmer, perhaps, but image detail is preserved.

I probably missed something but HDR screenshots are supported in dx12 correct? With Cyberpunk 2077 I get a solid black jxr. But works fine with windows game bar. But I would prefer to avoid using that if I could.

I have a resolution of 5120x1440. not sure if that would be an issue.

dxgi.log (54.3 KB)
dxgi.ini (4.8 KB)

See the below response in another thread:

It’s been fixed :slight_smile:


Ah, sorry for missing that.

Thanks for that. Works :smiley:

Now that DX12 has pretty functional HDR support through Special K, is there any change for an eventual Vulkan HDR release?

Still broken for me in Cyberpunk.

For me it works when you first take screenshot in main menu but I found out using my controller to take screenshot actually proves to be working. But yeah sometimes it does black images and sometimes it comes out right.

Always blank for me.

Vulkan would have to support HDR first :stuck_out_tongue: Developers stuck with Vulkan always resort to either not support HDR in their game, or using D3D11 to Frankenstein HDR into that API.

I don’t want to bother with that.

Use this for HDR screenshots:

dxgi.7z (7.6 MB)

Supports them whether you have SK’s UI enabled or not. Normally you need to have SK’s OSD turned on before it can capture HDR post-processed image.

Thank you.

Works perfectly now

I heard that Vulkan 1.1.104 supports native HDR now? Vulkan 1.1.104 Brings Native HDR, Exclusive Fullscreen Extensions - Phoronix

Doesn’t mean much as long as no game is using it.


  • “no game is using it”

  • Special K

  • Retrofitting HDR into non-HDR games…



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This isn’t getting backported to already released games.

And having the VK extension doesn’t mean developers will make use of it.

It’s an AMD extension, as far as I can see it’s not a new standard.

Out of a pool of maybe 3 exiting Vulkan games, I’m happy with that not being a feature :stuck_out_tongue: If I have to support a low-level API, D3D12 has a bazillion games.