Topic-Free Mega Thread - v 1.11.2020

Seems some of the 3000 series GPU’s are now in stock in a few stores though the quantity is about 5 cards, should start selling on the 17th but it’s interesting to see what’s going to be available and I think the NDA is also out in five or four hours something like that. :slight_smile:

So, this is interesting…

My original limiter, which I’m going to refer to as “smooth” mode from hereon out, was already half the latency of RTSS :slight_smile:

The new low-latency mode does do as its name suggests, but it’s only a marginal improvement in latency. I’m going to need to do some more comprehensive testing. Smooth mode is definitely going to remain the default, I’ll have to find a few cases (e.g. Kingdom’s of Amalur) where the disparity is enormous to do some more in-depth analysis.

Am i going crazy or did i see a car commercial posted here just earlier? :thinking:

Tbh renaming the frame limiter wouldn’t be a bad idea, considering it stands apart from others. Not sure what name would work though: Super smooth limiter, true limiter, frametime bliss etc

It appears to have been deleted, there’s a neat one from the early 1980’s on that topic but the little joke project would probably have gotten the employees in trouble had it been found out but thankfully someones VHS copy survived and it got Youtube uploaded so it can now exist forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Honda had a really bright idea for car name in early 2000’s but after someone ruined it by explaining what it meant in Swedish the car got rebranded to Honda Jazz.

You’re going crazy :slight_smile:

Actually, it was this:

I forgot where I was posting. I remembered I am probably the only person in this community who cares about that particular subject, heh.

I have a huge thing for the Nissan Fairlady Z.

I own two of them :wink: I will be buying a third the second the new 400Z goes on sale. Twin-Turbo V6 this time around, the Fairlady is in Godzilla (GT-R) territory now.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Hahah, well… look at it this way.

I own a Nismo Z34, sure as @#$% not a Nismo GT-R.

For the price of my cars, I could buy 1/2 of one of those.

Okay but, how do you add that line between text? :thinking:

Just type 3 dashes, the website does the rest for you.

If you want to do it the hard way, there’s the < hr > HTML tag.

Oh, cool

I seem more professional now :slight_smile:

I don’t know about that… I find myself using

for the simple fact that I cannot keep my thoughts organized any other way. If you start writing a bunch of —'s like I do, you will seem like you have terminal ADHD :slight_smile: Not the sign of a professional, usually.

I was being comedic in that last post XD

I need the line for the same reason, to keep my posts more organised.

Bit more tuning and maybe the D3D Vista mechanic of avoiding reboots on driver updates could be a realistic goal, can technically be done but there’s some good reasons AMD recommends a reboot afterwards and even blocks software like Radeon Software from starting until reboot. :slight_smile:

~Of course if AMD didn’t write the GPU parameters into the registry settings for the power play states and other stuff this wouldn’t be quite as sensitive or problem inducing either. :stuck_out_tongue:

NVIDIA totally supports the feature.

#ifdef WIN32
    HMODULE hLib = SK_LoadLibraryW (L"nvapi.dll");
    HMODULE hLib = SK_LoadLibraryW (L"nvapi64.dll");
#define __NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver                      0xB4B26B65
    typedef void* (*NvAPI_QueryInterface_pfn)(unsigned int offset);
    typedef NvAPI_Status(__cdecl *NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver_pfn)(void);
    NvAPI_QueryInterface_pfn       NvAPI_QueryInterface       =
      (NvAPI_QueryInterface_pfn)SK_GetProcAddress (hLib, "nvapi_QueryInterface");
    NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver_pfn NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver =
      (NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver_pfn)NvAPI_QueryInterface (__NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver);
NvAPI_RestartDisplayDriver ();

I have no idea if that’s the official name for any of that stuff, lol. I reverse engineered that part of NvAPI back when I stupidly relied on NVIDIA’s framerate limiter for stuff. Their framerate limiter is @#$%, and you have to actually restart their graphics driver before it works.

Or at least, you used to. Now, you can enable it from NvCPL.

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Yeah I expect AMD mostly supports it as well but their decision to store some of the hardware states into the Windows registry is a bit more sensitive so that’s why they’re almost forcing the user to do a reboot to ensure this is all loaded properly on a full restart.
(EDIT: Or that’s my take on why they are pushing the reboot as being almost mandatory when the OS can support a driver upgrade routine without since Vista or Windows 7 and one of those WDDM functions.)

Could also be linked to the way AMD’s support for hibernation and sleep mode plus fast boot is not quite optimal.

Unwinder even added a setting to Afterburner for clearing this data from the registry which is important for overclocking and avoiding any modifiers on top of existing modifiers plus instability on boot if these are loaded with the rest of the OS since the data is persistent until updated or removed.

Think that’s about it although the newer drivers also lock down on extending some of the limitations and if attempted the GPU will lock into a idle clock speed as a fail-safe.
(MorePower via Igor’s Lab which then was updated by handling this through bios editing instead.)

Not sure if the Windows hotkey functionality could also restart the driver or if it’s a lighter function (Windows key, ctrl, shift and B I believe it was.) but it seems to work well enough for what Custom Resolution Utility utilizes it for by adding in EDID info and overrides.

Don’t use it myself though but I hear it’s quite handy for G and Free sync ranges and also the blanking issue on some displays and memory clock speeds running at max for AMD.
(VESA standards and lack of additional memory power states as the explanation I’ve heard for that.)

But then a reboot once a week or so isn’t bad anyway clear some of that memory buildup out and reset the timers and what not although I guess application awareness and code robustness could also avoid little CPU issues and timing problems with high uptime systems. :smiley:

Win + Ctrl + Shift + B has been invaluable since I started using this funky DisplayPort 1.4 → HDMI 2.1 adapter and the NVIDIA driver has proven really lousy at recovering from refresh rate issues.

The funny thing about this, is I don’t even care about the higher refresh rates offered by DP1.4/HDMI2.1, I just want 10-bit HDR without chroma subsampling. But the stupid NVIDIA driver insists I want the highest refresh rate supported by my device every time it sees a new display attach. I want to strangle whoever came up with that policy :slight_smile:

I want 4K 60 Hz 10-bit YCbCr 4:4:4, not 4K 120 Hz RGB 12-bit. The driver needs a ton of work in this department.

Unless the RTX 3090 can suddenly do 4K/120 FPS, I don’t see this changing either. Even if I have a GPU with proper HDMI 2.1 support, this behavior of automatically trying to force a 4K 120Hz/12-bit color signal because it’s the highest my device supports is going to be problematic.

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I am probably going to need to write some standalone software to select pixel format, since NVIDIA’s not really coming even close to doing it properly.

As things stand right now:

I literally have to run a game with Special K, then turn on a driver override to get the desktop to run at 4K 10-bit YCbCr 4:4:4. NVIDIA and Microsoft both cannot be bothered to make this stuff configurable :slight_smile:

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