so i tested this more… and the cause it’s as i suspected: the windowed game with sk after enabling the vulkan bridge option is enabling vrr/gsync since the game has engaged independent flip presentation
(due to dxvk making the game use vulkan and the vulkan bridge feature switching to d3d11 for final presentation… as well as active MPO planes for the display – which allow for independent flip presentaion and vrr with a window that doesn’t cover the entire screen even while only having the fullscreen gsync option selected from the nvidia control panel)
without sk, the game is stuck on d3d9ex and on “composed: copy with gpu gdi” for presentation (since it doesn’t use flipex), and vrr/gsync does not engage with that type of presentation (unless you used the windowed gsync option from the nvidia cp… but i generally don’t recommend using that windowed gsync option from the nvidia cp since it can have some issues…)
vrr/gsync is what causes the fps to drop in other apps when the game is in the background or out of focus. that is because the game renders at about 17fps while it’s not focused and vrr is still active (active while using sk, whereas without sk the game doesn’t have vrr…) and so other apps get stuck with really low fps too because the compositor was told by the windows vrr setting (from windows’s graphics settings) to match its composition rate to the game’s presentation rate…
i imagine you have the windows vrr setting on.
basically one of the things that the windows vrr setting does, when it’s on and working, is keep the vrr locked to the game even when the game isn’t what’s on the foreground focused. this can be good in certain cases. for example: when you’re adjusting the windows volume.
both MPOs AND the windows vrr setting are needed if you want to keep vrr properly synced to the game when you got something on top of the game with activity (like the windows volume overlay with volume sliders that are moving as you adjust the volume, or gamebar/presentmon widgets with moving graphs). otherwise (if your windows vrr setting is off or not working for some reason), you’d either lose vrr completely or the synchronization with the game will have issues when you’re adjusting the windows volume or have something on top with graphs or certain type of activity…
ways you could avoid having your other apps affected by the low fps of your game while its in the background or not focused (no need to use sk’s continue rendering feature here):
#1) you could disable gsync/vrr for the game or globally. i don’t recommend disabling gsync though unless your gsync is causing some sort of flickering in the game and you can’t fix that and you don’t like that.
#2) you could toggle off the windows vrr setting in windows’s graphics settings (while keeping gsync enabled in the nvidia control panel and for the game), but i don’t recommend toggling off this option… since having it on has its benefits and there’s another/better option to avoid the issue you were having while using sk (see the following option # 3)
#3) simply set a background fps limit in sk that’s less than half of your display’s max refresh rate (even if the game set the fps even lower. that’s fine). with such a background fps limit, sk also enables fractional vsync for the game while the game is not focused… and fractional vsync breaks vrr… which then means that the game will render at low fps when it’s not focused but it will not have vrr active then (so will not mess with your other apps). vrr would become active again when the game is focused and, if you kept the windows vrr setting on, you’d still even keep the vrr working properly (synced properly to the game) while adjusting the windows volume etc
here for example, i got a display with a maximum refresh of 239.97hz and i set a background fps limit of 119 (which is a bit less than half of my max 239.97hz) with sk -
you can see that has my gsync status on “supported + inactive” while i don’t have the game’s window focused, and sure enough my other apps aren’t suffering in this case despite the game rendering at about 17 fps there. if i removed the background fps limit from sk, then sk would stop applying fractional vsync while the game is out of focus and my vrr/gsync would still stay active at very low fps and affect my other apps (basically the issue you had).
in your screenshot i see that your maximum refresh rate is 144hz, so i’d suggest setting a background fps limit with sk that’s less than half of 144
i believe your issue is caused basically by vrr/gsync staying engaged (at very low fps) while the game is out of focus.
to avoid your original issue… what i suggest is to simply set a background fps limit of 71 fps or less with sk’s background fps option
that’ll turn off your vrr/gsync while the game is out of focus because sk, in that case with such a background fps limit while the game is out of focus, would apply fractional vsync – which breaks vrr (and your vrr/gsync may be active again when the game is focused). you don’t need to use the continue rendering feature for this.