Hello, I’ve been having some trouble with Nier: Replicant ver.1.22474487139… crashing every so often.
Without SpecialK the game starts running at 1 frame per 10 seconds. With it I’ve been running into crashes too, but i’m usually able to play for longer before the inevitable crash.
I believe i’m in the final section of the game, but I just can’t complete it fast enough before it crashes.
This is for a legit copy I got on sale on Steam.
I’ve disabled steam input, unchecked texture caching and verified Steam files, but nothing has seemed to work.
I’d much appreciate any help, and sorry to take up your time.
Hello there. the performance problem is known to be caused by steam input… so yeah definitely make sure you have steam input disabled for the game in the steam client.
Beyond that, some apps known to interfere or cause a conflict with sk are nzxt cam, rivatuner/rtss (in the case of rtss, you could try closing rtss before launching the game or setting rtss to “use microsoft detours api hooking” in rtss’s settings under setup → general), razer synapse…
i’d also suggest ensuring that you don’t have any other mods or something else in the game’s folder. special k can already unlock the game’s fps, so you don’t need something extra for that. if you’re using reshade, it’s possible to load it with sk…
for installing sk and running the game with sk, i’d suggest following the method from here:
or try running the following test installer (it may have a newer version than you’re using):
Thanks a bunch for your reply!
I’ve set up everything you suggested. I’ll try running everything when I have time later today and let you know how it went.
It’s frustrating, but it still crashed on me after running it on the newest test version and resetting it.
I don’t run any other mods with the game.
Everything in task manager was stable.
The crash is as if i’m suddenly tabbed out of the game, but when I reopen the game tab it’s frozen. I can still hear the music, but cannot do anything (not even opening the SpecialK config menu with ctrl + shift + backspace)
if you really don’t have anything else added in the game’s folder, then i can only imagine that you have some other tool installed or running on your end that’s causing a conflict with sk
you sure you don’t have rtss running in the background or some other tool with an overlay ? overwolf is another thing that some people sometimes use apparently which can cause a conflict with its overlay also…
hmm though if the game is crashing on your end sometimes without sk too, then maybe there’s a bigger issue your end. i don’t think it’s normal for this game to crash. you could also try reinstalling or updating your gpu drivers.
After giving it one last try with having every other program closed, I was able to play for a few hours without a crash!
I’m not sure which program was causing the issues, but I’m glad it works now.
Thanks a bunch for all your help. I’m glad I was able to see the entire game through, and I hope this might be able to help someone with the same issue in the future. Now to get the other endings