Kingdoms of Amalur Re-reckoning

Because your friends list was maxed out at the time… :grin:


Definitely wasn’t looking for a job offer as in the case of DXVK, but just some kind of statement on whether using SteamAPI at all as a non-partner was acceptable would have been nice. That whole “weaponizing SteamAPI” catch phrase could have gone away more smoothly. I am all but certain if NieR: Automata was the reason for Valve getting involved with DXVK that someone in a developer capacity also knew Special K existed and said nothing.

You know whats funny ? The dev specificly told me its not the culling and the stuff thats not visible being rendered :stuck_out_tongue:

This same scene runs at 60 FPS on the PS4 ? With the same stuff being rendered behind it ?

@Fayaya There are a few spaces that do have fps issues on PS4. Mainly in Teeth of Naros. The original devs went crazy there. The stuff behind is rendered in a z-pre-pass to the depth buffer. Which is a fast process anyway. It is not rendered into geometry buffers unless there is a serious driver issue going on.

I call bullshit on that one then. They also said they increased poly amount by alot so that explains it even more.

But yea DXVK does wonders. But the devs even said those big performance issues are a non issue so yea :joy:

Not quite as it turns out it’s just the consoles themselves.


With additional links to Eurogamer.

And this.

Makes sense. D3D11 was designed for multi-threaded rendering… I have to wonder if AMD’s drivers on the Xbox One are as bad at multi-threading in D3D11 as they are on PC? At some point since the Xbox One originally shipped, they started offering D3D12 on it.

No idea how many engines on Xbox One actually use D3D12; the PS4 has 2 graphics APIs too, a low-level (GNM) and a high-level (GNMx).

To be fair, the Xbox One’s CPU is complete and utter crap to begin with. My LG OLEDs can run Netflix, YouTube, and 3 or 4 other apps all at once and switch between them in a few milliseconds. Meanwhile the console can barely run YouTube :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I can imagine the newer D3D12 path for XBox might be a good step up, GPU wise the One X is somewhat similar to the first generation Polaris (400) series but software wise and how that’s handled I have little idea.

Same with the PS4 Pro.

CPU wise yep going to a Zen2 type ~3700 CPU is going to remove quite a bottleneck from both consoles with the extra RAM as a plus and the GPU as a natural AMD evolution somewhere between RDNA1 of the 5700 and RDNA2 spec wise.
(XBox Series X as 12_2 compliant and PS5 as a bit less lacking mesh shading support for one thing as I’ve read but not sure on the finer details here.)

SSD and IO as a well it’s a bit of a leap over a HDD that’s for sure ha ha.

From the article and the situation with Kingdoms of Amalur Re-reckoning here though it looks like the possible draw call bottleneck might be less of a hindrance though the articles focus primarily on the Playstation system and it’s strengths. :slight_smile:

So this problem and it’s performance penalty and other drawbacks show up on PC but might not register much at all on consoles assuming the developers are utilizing these advantages that is.

Coding problems and performance issues happens on consoles too after all although the unified hardware is likely a huge advantage for getting the utmost out of the device in addition to a number of software and hardware benefits like less overhead and closer to the metal type of coding.

Getting there too on PC once D3D12 and Vulkan becomes a bit more common but since AMD and NVIDIA and Intel and AMD CPU wise are a bit different that presents a bit of a challenge together with lowest common denominator as a target baseline for most games or game engines and what’s prioritized or focused on.

12_2 and other Windows 10 improvements are going to land in the first 2021 build and after that as GPU and CPU hardware slowly is upgraded only then can that take over as the primary target API or the equal in I presume Vulkan 1.3.x when finalized and implemented in drivers and such.

If we’re going to further see some of this like ray tracing split up between AMD and NVIDIA that’s a thing too RTX for DXR and Vulkan and potentially RTX IO for Direct Storage for example.

But that’s skipping a bit ahead by at least a few years, cross API stuff first like 12_0 or 12_1 with 12_2 support added on and then targeting 12_2 and it’s advantages more fully.

Meanwhile D3D11.4 or newer and DXGI and WDDM continues to exist and update with Microsoft already working on WDDM 2.9 for Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 for the 2022 Windows 10 builds.
(Early 460.20 something drivers from NVIDIA for this though a older core 450.x branch split so not recommended outside of development purposes just because it’s number is higher here.)

Separately from this if it’s hardware accelerated the media playback AMD has is not all that great and there’s some driver bugs at the moment too but it likely wouldn’t affect the consoles I suppose, Vega iGPU and Navi is recommended for GPU support here so newer than the consoles would be utilizing in terms of hardware and functionality and the upcoming Navi20 with Video Core Next 3.1 should improve on this further.
(Earlier utilize the older Video Core Engine hardware and then Video Core Next on CPU and then updated for Vega iGPU’s and then once more with Navi desktop GPU’s.)

AC1 decoding capabilities same as NVIDIA Ampere but no encoding support, unsure about AVC or what it’s called or if I’m not switching these two around.
(One’s a bit like H266 following H265 or VP9 the other is a open standard but Youtube has experimental opt-in support for it on a smaller scale so far.)

EDIT: Then again if it’s CPU and any larger resolution video playback yeah that might also be a performance issue.
(Zen2 gets a bit of a workout for 2560 video playback but this is Firefox not Chrome or Chromium, 4k would probably load it up quite well too and I’ve not tried 8k at all.)

Hmm but the One X and PS4 Pro should fare a bit better than the base models I would expect.

At around the same time the Xbox One X was released, Microsoft removed the Snap feature… the only reason I originally bought an Xbox One is now gone :-\ It was nice having a second app running in the corner. They gradually removed all multi-tasking support from the console’s OS and now it takes an eternity to switch apps.

Interesting, wonder if this is some underlying what it’s called again One Core or One OS or something design here for Windows 10 even if the final product will obviously differ for how it’s used on console compared to PC or mobile devices.

Or other changes both hardware and software, PS4 had some stuff like that too which was reduced or removed over time.

Well there’s that and Microsoft is making a number of tweaks to the Universal Windows Platform system and app packages which must also affect consoles in newer updates.

Even the insider program is part of the XBox system now for testing early functionality and features although I will imagine the rollout is a lot more controlled than on PC for stability and less bleeding edge developer centered branches.

EDIT: Yep, UWP update introducing a compact overlay mode as a replacement for Snap.
(Well ~replacement, more like a new mode was introduced and a older mode removed but they differ a bit in what these do.)

You know… up until now I’ve never even made that connection that the Xbox One would still require some form of drivers from AMD to interface with the GPU in the console…

Heh. I don’t know the logistics of it all, I have to imagine that somehow games ship with part of the driver internally so that any bugs in those drivers when they were developed remain there some 5+ years in the future and the game continues working.

Console developers take too many shortcuts and write code that only works on specific systems for it to work any other way. We have their bad habits to thank for PC ports not going smoothly a lot of the time :stuck_out_tongue:

And to further add complexity to the mix, you technically have the “Game OS” part of Xbox One’s assortment of OSes, and the “Windows OS” part as well.

Type 1 Hypervisor:

  • Game OS (“bare metal” – low-level – most games run in this VM – “full” access to hardware)
  • Windows OS (responsible for the Xbox UI – supports UWP-based games since a few years ago – limited access to hardware)

The Windows OS was updated a few years ago from being Windows 8-based to being Windows 10-based. I don’t remember if games were capable of being run in that OS before the move to Windows 10, so it’s possible it wasn’t even an option when Win8 was being used.

And then more recently the game OS (I assume anyway) was updated to support DirectX 12… Juggling these different OSes while maintaining legacy support got to be a challenge at times, I can imagine.

But then again if Xbox One’s backcompat have showed anything it’s that Microsoft is damn impressive in what this design allows them to do.

I am currently getting the following error when I start Kingdoms of Alamur Re-Reckoning with the Global :Injection running:


I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB graphics card. Any help would be appreciated.

I think Kaldaien mentioned there were a few issues with but is not yet fully release ready.

However there have been a few updated builds of the 32 and 64 bit .dll files that might help.

This should be the latest 32-bit dll.

And this for the 64-bit dll.

Renaming and using these instead of the older version might help unless there’s some other issue here but I’ve seen the game running with it so SpecialK should be compatible with global injection.