Final Fantasy X UnX PS5 Controller


I’m trying to set UnX to use the FFX in game boosters with my PS5 controllers.
At first UnX couldn’t even recognize my controller (pressing every buttons on my controller but nothing happened in the gamepad mapping menu of UnX).
After changing some settings on steam and the gamepad ini file, It can now recognize my controller, I can choose which button to use for each boosters (F1, F2…) in the UnX menu but when I’m trying it in game, nothing happen.

Is it possible to make it work on a PS5 controller ? Or do I need to use an XboX controller ?

yes it’s possible to make it work on a PS5 controller

first make sure that you installed unx using the SpecialK_UnX.exe from the unx sk wiki

after that, you could enable steam input for the game in the steam client or use something like ds4windows to emulate an xbox controller. that may get the gamepad shortcuts working along with rumble…

you can see this section in the unx sk wiki page for more info too: