no… or at least not if you ran the special k installer.
if using special k with local injection (renamed the SpecialK64.dll to dxgi.dll and placed it the game’s folder), you might need to install the visual c++ 2015-2019 x64 Redist stuff.
the Special K installer should take care of that, and I’d suggest launching the game from the Special K injection Frontend app and using global injection (just select the game from the SKIF app and then hit the launch button to launch the game with SK). also, for global injection to work, make sure to delete any special k dll files in the game’s folder i you had any there.
i just tested again also. it still works fine for me.
i uninstalled nier replicant from the steam client
then i deleted the game’s folder to ensure nothing was left
then i reinstalled the game from the steam client
then i deleted my SpecialK.ini config for the game
then launched the game from the SKIF app
then I opened the SK cp menu menu with ctrl + shift + backspace
then I went into sk’s render mod tools and textures were missing in sk’s live textures view window as expected
then I unchecked the “d3d11 state tracker performance mode” in the SK cp menu’s graphics settings section
then i closed the game and relaunched it from the SKIF app again
and then I went to look in sk’s live texture view window and saw textures there now as expected…
you could download the special k installer from here (or go to the download section of the forum)-
then launch the special k injection frontend app, go to the settings, and set it to “discord (updates regularly)”

then hit the update button-

or set the “check for updates” option to “on each launch” and restart the SKIF app to trigger the update if you’re not on the latest version.
you could also grab the latest installer or latest nightly-build version of special k from the special k discord.
i’m not sure what version you’re using or if updating would fix your issue, but i’d suggest updating anyway and try the special k installer along with global injection if you haven’t… plus maybe try the 10 steps i posted above.
some apps known to interfere with sk are nzxt cam, rivatuner/rtss, razer synapse, anti-virus… but windows defender should be fine i believe. i use windows defender also.
if you wanted to also use rtss alongside sk, you could try checking the “use microsoft detours api hooking” option from rtss and at least in some cases that apparently can make rtss + sk work.