AMD GPUs with SpecialK

I’m considering buying an AMD GPU, in this new generation, later this year, but don’t know how it will be, with SpecialK

Is there any problem with AMDs gpus with this software, or It’s the same as nvidia?
Thanks and Regards

you won’t have access to nvidia exclusive features - such as sk’s option to use nvidia reflex with your game, or sk’s gsync indicator, or sk’s gsync and fast sync toggles.

other than that, I believe sk is basically the same with an amd gpu - and i’m not aware of problems with amd gpus

unless it’s some super old amd gpu

some amd machines could have problems with special k’s flip model override (which sk enables by default). apparently early amd support for flip model was not good…

-Most- amd hardware has access to better drivers than existed when flip model and windows 10 first rolled out

just basically some really ancient stuff that doesn’t

Thanks for the explanation.
I suppose new AMD GPUs will not have problems with flip model override, then

yeah flip model should be fine with new AMD GPUs (and quite a few old ones too)

nowadays windows 11 (with version 22H2) also enables flip model presentation for windowed games (and Windows 10 has been enabling flip model presentation by default for years on fullscreen games with their ‘fullscreen optimizations’)

I believe you’d be fine