Special K HDR Newcomers

Right now Special K is sorta in a weird semi-transition phase from the “old” HDR implementation and its necessary steps and the “new” HDR implementation (displayed in DigitalFoundry’s video) and the newer steps. It’s mostly the latter steps that are slightly different, as step 1-11 of the older instructions still apply to all versions of Special K.

Special K
Download here (same as the download link on the top of the page)
Instructions here

Special K 0.11.1 (beta – version displayed in DigitalFoundry’s video)
Download: 64-bit files or 32-bit files
Instructions here

The 0.11.1 package is a custom one I threw together just now from my local files as there’s no unified up-to-date copy of it elsewhere. The 64-bit DLL file have a fix applied to it for an unexpected gamma that was experienced in HDR, but the 32-bit DLL file has not so it’s possible 32-bit games might have weird gamma when enabling HDR.

I’ve notified Kal and asked him to recompile and repackage 0.11.1 in a unified package with all the latest updates, so it’s easier to get the up-to-date copy of the mod.