Horizon: Zero Dawn

Just use Epic Games instead.

I have GTA V & RDR2 in epic games folder, fear of getting banned online
Thats why i specify the folder
D:\Epic Games\Horizon Zero Dawn

but i think its still not working for me… i cant find specialk.ini to edit…

For non-Steam games, it’ll be in Profiles\<exe_name>\ .

The Steam version of HZD is HorizonZeroDawn.exe, I assume EGS is the same.

Two things to note:

  1. Special K is still injected into those games — it’s just not initialized. Stop global injection entirely to prevent Special K from being injected into them.

  2. Use e.g. Horizon Zero Dawn instead in that case. Or, well, as Kaldaien mentioned the name of the executable.


Is not where you put the skip button functionality. Ever.

Also yeah it probably needed a little bit more development time.

(From the ResetEra topic about the game.)

I don’t have the game installed at the moment (The good ol’ backlog!) but it should be easy enough to see if someone was very confused with setting up certain key binding combinations there ha ha.

This port has some issues, it isnt Death Stranding.

Odd things for me:

  1. I can add more backbuffers and the game wont crash
  2. when i switch to “fullscreen”, the game goes windowed with borders -_-

I have a very weak CPU and i’m cappint it to 30fps (i5 3450 @3.9Ghz OC), but the 4 cores are always 100% capped most of the time.

– edit –
Disabled SpecialK, the inability to go fullscreen proper and the cpu capped issue where coming from it. For now, using just RTSS to frame cap.

Truly, the sign of a polished port.

It clearly has issues.
That 20 mins shader compilation doesn’t convince me. The last time i had to do some like this was for CEMU, a emulator. And you have a directly comparison to Death Stranding, although DS is less crowded.

This is all thanks to Sony. Death Stranding still the better Decima game by miles ad infinitum. Although I have no evidence if KojimaProductions did the port or not… Still better than this shit. I mean I can run it shockingly fine on my 1080ti/7700k BUTTT its clear that its utter garbage and yes VERY much yes about the shader compilation – that’s going to piss me off everytime I want to try out a different driver or switch to the studio driver for my 3d stuff.

That happened on my pc too.
It can be fixed by setting “Borderless=true”. And the game will run in exclusive fullscreen without borders.

However, for me, the game would crash at startup if I set “RenderInBackground=true” or “Fullscreen=ture”. Both of them have to be false.

I had to disable RTSS to get things working reliably. RTSS was preventing the Steam overlay from working, and if the Steam overlay’s not working in a SteamInput game, gamepads don’t work.

The combination of Steam overlay + SK works fine though.

Use this build, it works better with the Steam overlay:

     SpecialK64.7z  (7.5 MB)

Hello good fellas, i had a issue, when i use the SK injector mi game crashes for no reason, Logs


The strange is that when i did it for the very first time it worked, could go into the game and play, sadly didn’t notice any improvement ( lost 5 fps ) when i exited the game and tried to do all over again the game started crashing and couldn’t make it work

tried with and without RTSS / MSI, with and without steamoverlay, with and without Reshade ( dxgi.dll, yeah, removed all related to reshade ) and clean install of SK and the ini file and still no dice

hope the logs can pinpoint the issue

Turn off the option to force fullscreen mode.

I’d also suggest setting OverrideRes= in the INI file to your desired resolution so that there’s less chance of ResizeBuffers (…) failing like that.

hey, thanks for the reply and your time
sadly still no luck

Pic of the ini

and new logs after testing the “ForceFullscreen=false”

again thanks for your time

That’s arguably the least important part of the INI file.

If you’re going to .zip up logs, can I ask that you just throw the INI file in there along with them? Much easier that way :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, you can upload .zip files straight to the forum.

I’d suggest adding crashpad_handler to the blacklist in the Injection Config tab of SKIF. That’ll help make the logs easier to read.

will do later this day
also tried to use the upload button but it says “new members cant upload files” so i used Gdrive

will post the logs and try your suggestion in a few hours

here is the logs with the ini, did as you suggested , blacklisted the crashpad_handler
sorry for using gdrive still cannot use the attachment system

I don’t see anything immediately wrong, though RTSS is definitely still running going by those logs. Moreover, it thinks the game is D3D10 :slight_smile: Perhaps your version of RTSS is from the bronze age?

well updated RTSS and disable it and it launched the game with SK, but i cant see any metrics to see difference and for the “feel” want to believe it runs a bit better but i think is placebo, any tool you recomend to see metrics ?

anyways, Thank you so much for the help and pointing me in the right direction
Kudos and regards

Well… if it’s metrics you want. CapFrameX? :slight_smile:

That’s effectively military strength performance analysis.


I did rudimentary testing using the in-game benchmark myself. The results were pretty much as expected, since the framerate limiter in SK outperforms all others in D3D11 – it does in D3D12 now too :stuck_out_tongue:

will try capframeX and post results later but as fasr as i played the game still runs “bad”

i think the main problem is the occlusion culling, when i reach a new grid in the map ( like fallout games cells to load ) and start to load and i try to move the camera left or right with the mouse the in game camera doesn’t move till the sides of the area are loaded or that’s my guess, after the area is loaded the game works normal and i can turn just fine the camera

well, that all, wont gonna steal anymore of your time, thank you for the big help!